older properties

freezing first home couple sitting under blankets by a radiator

Freezing first home? Look out for these central heating issues.

Congratulations! You own your own home. Needs a bit of work here and there, but that’s ok. But why do you have a freezing first home?! Here’s a blog to help you avoid the thought of wearing multiple layers and sitting under duvets. Within most of our lifetimes we will move house at least once. […]

Freezing first home? Look out for these central heating issues. Read More »

a woman in bed looking frustrated as she isn't getting the bedroom heating right

How To Heat Each Room: Getting The Bedroom Heating Right

Arguably the room you spend the most time in during your life, getting the bedroom heating right can vastly improve your quality of life. Everyone is different, and we all have our personal comfort preferences, but get your sleeping conditions right and it ensures we start each day fully recharged. So what do we need

How To Heat Each Room: Getting The Bedroom Heating Right Read More »